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Implementing Your Look into Generated Applications

Later this week we will be rolling out a new look for generated applications. By default the new look will look something like this.

While we feel these colors are much more neutral and pleasing for our user base, you still may want to change them to match your corporate look.

Note: Please follow this documentation regarding the New Look in general. This forum post is specifically for modifying the new look to match your corporate look.

First, navigate to Admin -> Edit Data Dictionary Files -> Header File. Notice that at the end of the first line is a reference to a file called “/mrcjava/image/mrcheadershading.gif”. This is a 1px wide gradient image that adds some depth to your header. You can remove this image if you would like by removing the entire URL portion of this line. Doing this would cause your header image to be a flat color. On the same line, you will see a reference to background: #507ca2. This is the default m-Power Blue color. This flat color, plus the combination of our gradient image creates the background color you see on each header.

Next, notice that the second line ends with a reference to a file called “/mrcjava/image/mrc_logo.gif.” This is the mrc text logo you see at the top left portion of every screen. Replace this with an image of your choosing.


Navigate to Admin -> Edit Data Dictionary Files -> Footer File.
Towards the end of this document you will see a reference to this file “/mrcjava/image/mpower.gif”. This reference calls the m-Power logo you see at the bottom right of each page. Replace this image with one best suited for your needs. Or, as an alternative, remove the entire “background-image” tag to eliminate the footer image.

Style Sheet
Navigate to Admin -> Edit Data Dictionary Files -> Servlet Style Sheet. Replace “#105594” (our standard m-Power blue) with the appropriate hex color value for your corporate view. I like to use the color palette program Hex Color Finder, as it has an eye-dropper utility and, at the time of this writing, is free.

mrc Sign On
If you are using mrc Security, remember that mrcSignon2.html does not inherit your look and feel. Instead, it has an embedded stylesheet, header, and footer file. To mimic the look you just made, repeat the steps perfomed above to the mrcSignon2.html file. This can be found under Admin->Edit Data Dictionary Files -> Sign On Screen.

mrc Menuing

The last thing you will want to change is the mrc Menu. For the most part the menu will inherit your data dictionary’s style sheet. However, you will need to change a few styles that only exist in the mrc Menu file. Navigate to Admin -> Edit Data Dictionary Files -> mrc Menu. Find and replace any references to #700207 with your corporate color. Click Save.

Updated on May 12, 2023

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