• Google Maps with CSS Responsivity

    Overview Recently I worked on a project that used the Google Maps API functionality for a Bootstrap theme application. Because my application would be utilized on different devices with variable screen resolutions (smartphones, tablets, or PCs) I wanted to implement some custom CSS to make my map truly be responsive,…

  • Restoring Application Specifications in m-Power

    Overview As developers create applications in m-Power, metadata (data about their applications) are stored in an embedded Derby database that is installed on the m-Power server. In the past when developers have wanted to restore the application specifications of one application, there was not a way to do so without…

  • Workflow Statuses – Configuring page refresh with status changes

    The Workflow Statuses functionality as outlined here allows end-users to easily progress a defined status field from the click of a button in read-only applications like a Multiple Row retrieval. However users of the status buttons or pulldown menu options may have noticed that changing the underlying status does not…

  • DBVisualizer Review

    This post reviews some of the features and benefits of DBVisualizer, a universal database client.