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Website Design 101: What you should do

In my opinion, the key to a good website is simplicity. Make it easy for a visitor to find all the information they need, and they will stay. Make it difficult, and they will leave. That being said, here are a few things to do if you would like to make a good website. If you can think of any more besides these, please respond to this post. I’d love to hear what you think.

Use Whitespace
A good website should look clean, not cluttered. I like websites that use a plain white background, and only put as much on it as they need. In my opinion, a good website uses a lot of whitespace to make it appear less cluttered.

Make it scan-able
Maybe I’m lazy, but I like to be able to scan a website and get a good understanding of what it’s about. This can be accomplished by using bold headings, and providing adequate space in between paragraphs. Also, emphasize the parts of text that are more important, but be judicious about it. Those who emphasize everything, emphasize nothing.

Simple navigation
Using simple navigation cannot be stressed enough. Make the navigation obvious, put it in the same place on every page, and keep it simple. The more links on the page, the less likely they are to be clicked.

Updated on May 12, 2023

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