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Combining Data from Two Separate Databases onto the Same Screen

Earlier today, I was talking to a prospective m-Power client, and they mentioned the need to me to have a single screen that allowed them to see customer information from database A. On the same screen, they wanted to see orders related to that customer. The trouble was, that data resided on database B. Database A and Database B are on completely separate hardware.

Certainly, this type of request has come up before but I realized I did not have any kind of written documentation or video resources to share with them on how to do this.

Namely, the process is fairly straightforward, utilizing built-in m-Power features such as Bootstrap layout panels and imports to make this happen. Rather than write out all of the step by step instructions, I created this 10 minute video that walks you through the entire process from beginning to end.

Note: It is worth noting, this same exact strategy can be utilized to combine two applications from the same database as well!

Updated on June 21, 2023

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