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Installing m-Power on CentOS (Fedora)


I recently had the opportunity to setup m-Power on a Fedora based server (RHEL/Centos). If you find yourself wanting to install m-Power on this operating system (or one similar to it), please check out the below instructions:

Note: The following instructions assume you are logged in as a root user to a command line interface. If not, you will need to issue the following commands in “sudo” mode.


  1. Change directory to root (cd /tmp) and download m-Power from our servers using this syntax:
    wget https://www.mrc-productivity.com/products/mpower/rc/m-power_linux.zip
  2. Download JDK 11 from Amazon by clicking here to download the rpm. Please install it on your Fedora based server.
  3. Now that the necessary programs have been downloaded, you will need to give yourself the authority to run each program:
    chmod +x m-power.zip
    chmod +x jdk-8u91-linux-x64-rpm.bin
  4. Next, install the JDK via a local yum install
  5. Once that completes, you should be able to type in the following commands to verify that the JDK has installed correctly.
    java -version
    javac -version
  6. Next, you will need to extract m-Power. You can do this by using the following syntax:
    jar -xf m-power_linux.zip
    This will create file in /tmp called InstallmPower.sh. Run this command it will complete the installation process.
  7. Install your m-Power license file by transferring your mrclicense.txt file to the /mrc/dev/m-power/proddata/conf folder of your Linux server.
  8. Additionally, install an additional copy of your m-Power license file to the /mrc/dev/m-power/mrcjava folder.
  9. We will start Tomcat using the catalina.sh within the /m-power/tomcat/bin directory. Before you run this, you will need to grant authority to execute this program. Do this by typing the following:
    chmod +x /m-power/tomcat/bin/*.sh
  10. Start Tomcat by issuing the following command:
    /m-power/tomcat/bin/catalina.sh start
  11. Tomcat can be stopped using this command:
    /m-power/tomcat/bin/catalina.sh stop

You can access m-Power by using the following URL:



If you cannot connect using the instructions above, there is a good chance that your Linux server is not allowing traffic on m-Power’s default port, 8011. To allow traffic on this port, please do the following:

  1. Run this command: vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
  2. Add the following information:
    -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 8011 -j ACCEPT
  3. Be sure to Save.
  4. Restart the IPTables by issuing the following command:
    /etc/init.d/iptables restart
  5. Be sure to stop and start Tomcat before accessing m-Power via the web.
Updated on September 26, 2023

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