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Better applications use intelligent links

EducationHere is a quick primer in how to make your applications better.

There’s a brilliantly simple concept known as “Intelligent Links.” In short, it means you can pass live data to your hyperlinks on the fly. How might that be useful? Here are a couple of examples:

1. Suppose you had an online shopping cart application. Rather than giving users a static “Check out” button, that button could also include the number of items in their shopping cart or the current order total. For instance, your shopping cart buttons could include information like this:
“Check out (7 items)”
“Check out ($450.57)”

2. Suppose you offered a tracking application for customers to view current, delayed, and past shipments. Rather than static links, what if your links also included the shipment count, like this:
“View your 7 current shipments”
“View your 3 delayed shipments”
“View your 13 past shipments”

Now, those are just a couple of examples, but do you see how those simple changes can improve your applications? To learn how to add intelligent links to your own m-Power applications, check out this tutorial.