mrc's Cup of Joe Blog

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Weekly Recap: 5 mobile app questions to ask the CIO, IT’s failing reputation, and more…

EducationEvery week, I share the most interesting and useful tech articles that I’ve found over the past week. This week’s top articles focus on mobile questions to ask the CIO, why IT’s reputation is so poor, and more. I hope you find them useful:

Why everyone wants a private cloud
Concerns over security and control in the “public” could make the “private” cloud model tempting to many companies. But, is this a solid strategy? Perhaps a better question: Do your applications give you the flexibility to deploy anywhere–private or public?

5 mobile app questions board members should ask the CIO
Mobile business app development is the big trend in tech right now. But, are you jumping into mobile development because it’s a big trend, or because it solves a business problem? Do you fully understand the costs of developing native mobile apps?

IT’s reputation: Broken bad
Has your IT department developed a “culture of no?” Is it quick to shoot down ideas and slow to help? Unfortunately, that’s the case with all too many IT departments…and it’s time for a change. These days, users have options. If IT is viewed as a roadblock, many will simply find another way–a growing trend known as “Shadow IT.”

Deal with it: Tablets are here to stay
How is your company dealing with tablets? There’s no point in denying the facts: More and more tablets are making their way into the workplace…and they’re not going anywhere.