mrc's Cup of Joe Blog

Join us in exploring the world of modern development, evolving technologies, and the art of future-proof software

Month: April 2011

6 essential elements of a good reporting solution

EducationHave you ever purchased business software, only to realize later that it didn’t quite meet every requirement? Maybe you overlooked a requirement, or maybe you assumed certain capabilities were standard, but they weren’t.

If you’re looking around at reporting tools, I want to help you avoid that mistake. The first (and most important) piece of advice is this: Never assume. Don’t just assume that every tool is created equal, or has similar features. Some tools may look impressive, but completely leave out some “basic” features.

So, what do you look for in a reporting tool? Obviously, the requirements vary by company, but I believe that certain elements are essential in a good reporting tool. What are they? We’ve put together a handy list of 6 essential elements you should look for in any good reporting solution. I hope you find it useful!

Solving the “build vs. buy” debate

Save MoneyIt’s a common question, one that undoubtedly emerges with most large software purchases: Should we build or buy? Do we build our own solution from scratch or purchase a pre-built, off-the-shelf solution?

On one hand, building a custom solution is ideal. You’re left with software built specifically for your company, built to handle those small details unique to your business. That sounds great, but…there’s a problem: It’s expensive and time consuming. Building a custom solution from the ground up can take a year or two, depending on complexity. Oftentimes, it requires bringing in outside consultants, which only adds to the cost. …