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web reporting

Video: Create web-based reports over a Snowflake database

Snowflake is a popular data platform and data warehouse. It provides a cloud-based, relational database that businesses use to store structured and semi-structured data. Snowflake is known for offering data access at near-infinite scale, and is often used to store massive data sets.

The big question: If you use Snowflake, what are you doing with all of your data? Are you using this data to gain a clear view of your business and make informed decisions? Do you have an easy way to quickly create reports and dashboards over your data tables?

After all, what good is your data if you don’t use it?

The good news: Creating reports over your Snowflake data tables is simple! We just released a new video demo that shows how easily you can create reports, BI applications, and dashboards over your data. In just 5 minutes, we take you step-by-step through the whole process of creating a report over a Snowflake database table using m-Power. You can find the video below:

Want to see m-Power working over your data? Set up a custom demo here: m-Power Demo.

POWERCast Webinar Replay: Db2 Web Query Alternative – See m-Power in Action

With IBM pulling the plug on Db2 Web Query, many customers are stuck looking for alternatives. While IBM states there is “no direct replacement for IBM Db2 Web Query for i,” there are options.

In this joint webinar with the COMMON User Group, we’ll take you through a live demo of one such alternative: The m-Power Development Platform. m-Power offers all of the reporting and BI capabilities of Db2 Web Query, and a whole lot more! In this webinar, you will:

  • Get introduced to m-Power’s reporting capabilities.
  • Watch m-Power build reports from start to finish.
  • See how easily you can set up scheduled reporting, security, portals, dashboards, and more.

Watch the webinar replay to learn how m-Power can replace what you’re doing with Web Query, and also deliver new capabilities! You can find the webinar replay here: Webinar Replay: Db2 Web Query Alternative – See m-Power in Action.

How to create web-based reports with a database reporting tool

analyticsBusinesses collect and have access to more data than ever before. It’s a huge opportunity. They can analyze this data and use it to guide their strategic decisions.

The problem is, many businesses aren’t taking advantage of this opportunity. I see them making a couple of common mistakes with their data:

  1. First, they don’t use it. Their data just sits in their database (or in spreadsheets). As a result, they get no value from their data.
  2. Second, other businesses do analyze their data, but…do so very slowly. Often, reporting is still an IT function and there’s a backlog of report requests. Other times, they just don’t have the right tools to create web reports quickly. Whatever the reason, they’re stuck waiting around for their reports, which means they’re analyzing outdated data.

If you’re dealing with either of these issues, here’s a video to check out. It shows you how easily you can create web reports using a database reporting tool. In just under 7 minutes, you’ll see 3 different reporting types created…all without coding!

Want to learn more? Set up a demo here: Set up a demo.

5 canned reports that take the reporting burden off of IT

analyticsIf end-user reporting is a burden on your IT department, you’re certainly not alone. The question is…how can you reduce the amount of time your IT department spends creating end-user reports?

One way to fix the problem: Create canned reports with run-time options for end users. This lets your users quickly access the data they need, while reducing the time your IT department spends creating reports.

Here’s how it works: Your IT department creates the initial reports with run-time filters for the users. The users can select which data to display, or filter their data however they wish when they run the report. With the right run-time filters, users can use a single report in many different ways.

How to create web reports that your executives will love

EducationSummary: As business data explodes at a surprising pace, many companies still struggle with reporting. They create reports that confuse or overwhelm their executives–hampering their ability to make decisions. What do your executives think about their reports? In this article, we explore a few ways to give them reports that they love.

7 essential elements of embedded analytics software

EducationSummary: What is embedded analytics and why is it so important? What should you look for in an embedded analytics platform? While the requirements vary by company, I believe that certain elements are essential in a good embedded analytics tool. In this article, we explore 7 essential elements you should look for in any good embedded solution.

6 essential elements of modern enterprise reporting software

EducationSummary: What do you look for in a reporting tool? Obviously, the requirements vary by company, but I believe that certain elements are essential in a good reporting tool. In this article, we explore 6 essential elements you should look for in any good reporting solution.

How to create a custom BI/Reporting suite (with write-back and data warehousing)

EducationSummary: The m-Power Development Platform is a low-code development platform that lets you create enterprise-class web applications without coding. This video takes you on a deep dive into m-Power’s build process, walking you through a start-to-finish business intelligence and reporting project in under 2 hours.

Webinar Replay: How to simplify self-service reporting

EducationSummary: In many organizations, end user reporting runs through a single department or individual. They must build and customize the reports for end users—many of which want their reports customized in different ways. The problem: These customizations waste time. The report author often gets bogged down with countless change requests from end users—which delays the reporting process and hurts efficiency across the entire organization. If your business struggles with this issue, this webinar replay will show you how to simplify the self-service reporting process.