mrc's Cup of Joe Blog

Join us in exploring the world of modern development, evolving technologies, and the art of future-proof software

Month: October 2013

Weekly Recap: Stupid security mistakes developers keep making, mobile BI strategies, and more…

EducationEvery week, I share the most interesting and useful tech articles that I’ve found over the past week. This week’s top articles focus on stupid security mistakes developers keep making, the new age of real-time architecture, and more. I hope you find them useful:

Data, Legacy Systems, and the New Age of Real-Time Architecture
In a world of instant data–where we can access data from across the world at any given moment–why do businesses have so much trouble with data access? Why are reports so difficult to access in many companies? Why do we still have disparate systems in companies that still can’t communicate with each other? The fact is, these legacy applications were never designed for the world we live in now. They weren’t built for integration. If you’re in this situation, how can you bring flexibility and integration to these legacy systems? My advice: Explore your modernization options.

8 big challenges facing CIOs and IT leaders in 2014

EducationWhat’s the biggest tech trend facing businesses right now? Is it the rise of mobile? BYOD? Cloud computing? Consumerization?

The fact is, you could make a case for any one of them…which highlights the most important point: We’re currently going through a fundamental shift in technology. We’re seeing a number of disruptive technologies converging on businesses at the same time. When combined, these changes create a unique set of challenges for CIOs and IT leaders going into 2014.

So, what are the biggest challenges facing CIOs and IT leaders in the coming year? Perhaps a better question: How can they address these challenges? We asked these questions to other CIOs and IT leaders, and have listed these responses below. I’ve also included a brief tip on how to address each challenge. So, without further ado, here are the biggest challenges facing CIOs and IT leaders in the coming year: