mrc's Cup of Joe Blog

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How to turn a spreadsheet into a web app in 3 minutes

EducationI’ve mentioned the dangers of spreadsheet misuse on many occasions, and explained why it’s so important to put that spreadsheet data into your database. However, I realized that I’ve never showed you how to turn your spreadsheets into database-driven web apps.

So, we created a video to do just that. The following video explains why you should convert your spreadsheets into web apps, and even shows you how it’s done. You might be surprised to learn just how simple this process is.

Note: This video is best viewed in 720p(HD) resolution at full screen. Click the “gear” icon below the video to change the resolution.

To learn more, please visit this page:

Webinar Replay: Turn Spreadsheets into Multi-User Database Solutions

EducationSummary: Many businesses have fallen into the spreadsheet trap. They start using spreadsheets for minor tasks, but before they know it, they’re relying on spreadsheets for critical aspects of their business. This spreadsheet overuse wastes time, hurts productivity, and results in data errors. If your company is drowning in spreadsheets, check out this webinar replay and learn how easily you can fix the problem.

Why do 90% of spreadsheets contain errors?

Save MoneyAccording to a number of different surveys conducted over the last few years, spreadsheets are still a commonly used tool for business intelligence. But, according to this article, 90% of spreadsheets contain errors.

Think about that for a second. Many companies still rely on spreadsheets for critical decisions, but most spreadsheets contain significant errors. In other words, critical decisions are made every day based on error-filled spreadsheets. How much does this hurt business? …

Webinar Replay: Turn Your Spreadsheets Into Web Solutions

EducationSummary: Many businesses have fallen into the spreadsheet trap. They start using spreadsheets for minor tasks, but before they know it, they’re relying on spreadsheets for critical aspects of their business. This spreadsheet overuse wastes time, hurts productivity, and results in data errors. If your company is drowning in spreadsheets, check out this webinar replay and learn how easily you can fix the problem.

5 (more) common ways businesses abuse spreadsheets

EducationSummary: Creating billions of dollars in losses every year, spreadsheets regularly take the blame for data errors and financial losses. But, are spreadsheets really to blame? The fact is, businesses regularly use spreadsheets in ways they were never intended to be used. This misuse leads to data losses, security breaches, financial losses, and more. Is your business guilty of abusing spreadsheets in the 5 ways outlined in this article?

5 common ways businesses abuse spreadsheets

EducationSummary: Described as “the most dangerous software on the planet,” spreadsheets regularly take the blame for data errors and financial losses. But, are spreadsheets really to blame? The fact is, businesses regularly use spreadsheets in ways they were never intended to be used. This misuse runs rampant in businesses across the globe–leading to costly mistakes on a daily basis. Is your business guilty of abusing spreadsheets in the 5 ways outlined in this article?