mrc's Cup of Joe Blog

Join us in exploring the world of modern development, evolving technologies, and the art of future-proof software


3 examples of highly productive IT departments

EducationSummary: As technology plays a larger role in all aspects of business, the business is relying on the IT department more than ever. However, many IT departments lack the time and the resources to meet their growing expectations. How can your IT department become highly productive–without outsourcing work or hiring new staff? Here are a few examples of IT departments that accomplished this very goal.

5 common problems that create a development bottleneck

EducationSummary: Many businesses face an application development bottleneck. Application development efforts can’t keep up with business demands. As a result, business users are often stuck waiting around for the applications they need. In this article, we’re looking for common problems that create this bottleneck, and ways to address them.

How to develop for mobile without all the extra work

EducationSummary: Mobile offers amazing potential to those businesses that capitalize on it. But…it comes with its own set of challenges. Mobile apps require new skills, more resources, and more effort. For some, the hurdles to mobile apps are just too high. How can they develop applications for every platform, using their current skills and resources? If you’re facing this problem, here’s a video you’ll want to check out.