mrc's Cup of Joe Blog

Join us in exploring the world of modern development, evolving technologies, and the art of future-proof software

Year: 2024

Build an Inventory Management System in 75 minutes with Low-Code (step-by-step video)

We just released a new video that takes you step-by-step through an inventory management system build process. We created this video to demonstrate just how quickly you can create custom applications (like an inventory management system) with m-Power. In roughly 75 minutes, we go from just the data in our database to a fully functional inventory management system, and explain each step along the way. Watch the video below to see the whole process!

Want to see what m-Power can do for your business? Shoot us a note to set up a demo: Setup an m-Power Demo.

Case Study: Learn how this non-profits meets development challenges…without developers

Picture this: You’re running an IT department, and everyone’s asking for custom applications. The catch? You don’t have a single programmer on your team. What do you do?

Well, that’s exactly what Lifeskills, a Kentucky-based non-profit, was dealing with. But instead of pulling their hair out, they found a secret weapon: The m-Power Development Platform.

Case Study: Learn how the AICTP outperforms larger companies

The American Institute of Certified Tax Planners (AICTP) is a not-for-profit corporation that trains and licenses tax professionals in the expertise of advanced tax reduction.

Shortly after the AICTP was founded, Dominique Molina (President and Founder) noticed a problem: There was no technical solution for this discipline. Everyone used different methods rather than one, standardized approach. This created a problem: When everyone’s doing things in different ways (and getting different results), it’s nearly impossible to effectively teach and lead them.

The solution: The AICTP partnered with mrc’s services team to help them develop a solution for their industry. With Molina providing the tax expertise and mrc’s consultants providing the development, they created a solution that perfectly fits their industry’s needs.

The result: The AICTP offers an industry-leading solution that outperforms solutions from much larger companies. According to Molina, “We’ve been at this for many years. In that time, other competitive solutions have entered the marketplace from some really well-known, well-funded organizations. Their solution is not as effective as ours. That helps us stand out with our clientele because they know that our solution can give them results that other off-the-shelf applications can’t deliver.”

To learn more, you can watch the interview below or read the whole case study here:

What are the best low-code tools?

I’m happy to report that m-Power was just recognized by Schematiq as one of the best low-code tools available today! When you look at m-Power, it’s easy to see why. We’ve poured over 40 years of development software experience into m-Power, and it certainly shows.

That got me thinking: What makes a great low-code tool? After all, there are so many low-code tools these days. What separates the great ones from the rest of the pack?

In this short article, let’s take a quick dive into this topic.

Video: Create web-based reports over a Snowflake database

Snowflake is a popular data platform and data warehouse. It provides a cloud-based, relational database that businesses use to store structured and semi-structured data. Snowflake is known for offering data access at near-infinite scale, and is often used to store massive data sets.

The big question: If you use Snowflake, what are you doing with all of your data? Are you using this data to gain a clear view of your business and make informed decisions? Do you have an easy way to quickly create reports and dashboards over your data tables?

After all, what good is your data if you don’t use it?

The good news: Creating reports over your Snowflake data tables is simple! We just released a new video demo that shows how easily you can create reports, BI applications, and dashboards over your data. In just 5 minutes, we take you step-by-step through the whole process of creating a report over a Snowflake database table using m-Power. You can find the video below:

Want to see m-Power working over your data? Set up a custom demo here: m-Power Demo.

How to create a database front-end in 5 minutes


What is a database front-end? As a basic definition, it’s a web interface that lets users access, modify, delete, or add data to a database table. They’re simple enough for non-technical users to work with, and typically includes role-based security to limit which users can make database changes. A business might use a database front-end to:

  • Let employees maintain customer data
  • Manage and schedule shipments
  • Maintain product data
  • Manage customer order history
  • Reduce dependence on spreadsheets
  • And much, much more…

In short, it lets you manage data in your database with a user-friendly, web interface.

The big question: How quickly can you create front-ends over your database? I believe the answer to that question should be measured in minutes, and we just created a new video to show you how it’s done. The following video walks you through a start-to-finish process used to create a front-end over any relational database…in just 5 minutes. You might be surprised to learn just how simple this process is.

Want to try it for yourself? Set up an m-Power Test Drive.

POWERCast Webinar Replay: Db2 Web Query Alternative – See m-Power in Action

With IBM pulling the plug on Db2 Web Query, many customers are stuck looking for alternatives. While IBM states there is “no direct replacement for IBM Db2 Web Query for i,” there are options.

In this joint webinar with the COMMON User Group, we’ll take you through a live demo of one such alternative: The m-Power Development Platform. m-Power offers all of the reporting and BI capabilities of Db2 Web Query, and a whole lot more! In this webinar, you will:

  • Get introduced to m-Power’s reporting capabilities.
  • Watch m-Power build reports from start to finish.
  • See how easily you can set up scheduled reporting, security, portals, dashboards, and more.

Watch the webinar replay to learn how m-Power can replace what you’re doing with Web Query, and also deliver new capabilities! You can find the webinar replay here: Webinar Replay: Db2 Web Query Alternative – See m-Power in Action.

How to build a custom CRM system in 75 minutes with low-code (step-by-step video)

analyticsIf your business had a choice between an off-the-shelf CRM system and a CRM that’s custom-built to your needs, which would you choose (assuming you’d get either one immediately)? I’d say the vast majority of businesses would prefer a custom CRM. After all, custom CRM systems offer a number of advantages, such as:

  • Scale without user fees: Off-the-shelf CRM systems typically charge per user…which can quickly drive up the cost in larger companies. With a custom CRM system, you can scale across your entire company without user fees!
  • Custom Workflow Processes: You can build custom workflow processes into any aspect of your CRM. For instance, you can create customer onboarding workflows that fire automatically when a lead becomes a customer.
  • Integration with existing software or third-party tools: For example, you might want to update your ERP system or pass data to a third-party tool using an API.
  • Deploy anywhere: Most off-the-shelf CRM systems only run in the cloud. A custom CRM can run in the cloud or on-premise. The choice is yours.
  • Control the security: Every business has different security needs. With a custom CRM, you can control how much or how little security you’d like to have.

With these advantages, why doesn’t every business opt for custom CRM systems? It all comes down to development time. Building a custom CRM from scratch can be expensive and easily take months.

The big question: What if you could create custom CRM systems in days or weeks? What if you could get all of the benefits of a custom CRM with non of the drawbacks?

It’s not as hard as you think. We recently released a new video that shows you how easily you can create a custom CRM system using low-code development. In the video, we create a CRM system that includes custom workflow processes, API integration with third-party software, and ERP integration. The result: A custom CRM that perfectly fits our needs and can be easily enhanced and changed.

The best part: The whole process only takes 75 minutes. You can watch the video below:

Want to learn more? Set up a demo here: Set up a demo.